The Long Way Home - April 2010

By Alex Delfont

After getting back from 3 months in South East Asia, I was craving a little more adventure, so I suggested something to my friend Raz that I'd wanted to do for a long time. The plan was to walk 200 odd miles from my house in London to my home in Devon in near enough a straight line! We decided to leave a few days later with fitness levels at an all time low, a few OS maps, and our ridiculously large backpacks. Part of the idea was to do a journey on foot that we'd both done so many times in vehicles, but this time seeing everything along the way. It was also to try and remind ourselves that the vast majority of people have good intentions and once given the chance, will help you out where they can. So click on the days below to read about what happened, see the route we took, and see the photos.The photos were shot on a half frame toy camera, except for a few dodgy phone ones when we had no film!



Day 1 - Thursday 8th - Happy Camping





Day 2 - Friday 9th - On The Farm





Day 3 - Saturday 10th - The Stapleton Arms





Day 4 - Sunday 11th - Camelot





Day 5 - Monday 12th - Not So Happy Camping





Day 6 - Tuesday 13th - Home
